Latest: HELLO BABY by NeekEmmanuel (MUST DOWNLOAD)

by - 12:03 AM

Straight out of Play House International,  The awesome Boy Neekemmanuel is out with an incredible piece of good music for the globe!

 He called this one "Hello Baby" it's like a voice message to a very much admired beautiful lady...he says:
"It's a confluence of fine lines and sweet rhythms, it's an accurate delivery of a carefully carved set of words spiced up with a breathtaking sound for the world of beautiful ladies, and of cause the ladies men.

 It's an expression of my love and respect for my female fellows, it is not just any song, it is -Hello Baby-  listen to me, listen beyond sound."

Let's have it on reply, lets share with family and friends, let's follow Neekemmanuel as he takes us into a scene of incredible music. 

Hello Baby, I hope you had a pretty night!!!


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